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Philip Wagner (M. Sc.)

University of Cologne
Department for Chemistry
Greinstaße 4
50939 Köln

Room: 422 / 407

Phone: +49 221 470 3254 / 76388


Academic Background

10.2014 - 10.2017                  B. Sc. (University of Cologne, Department for Chemistry, Prof. Schmalz)

10.2017 - 02.2021                  M. Sc. (University of Cologne, Department for Chemistry, PD Breugst)

since 03.2021                         PhD Student in the Group of Prof. Kath-Schorr


Methanol-Driven Oxidative Rearrangement of Biogenic Furans–Enzyme Cascades vs. Photobiocatalysis
C. Jäger, C. Bruneau, P.K. Wagner, M.H. Prechtl & J. Deska, Frontiers in Chemistry, 2021, 9.
DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2021.635883

Iodine‐Catalyzed Diels‐Alder Reactions
T. Arndt, P.K. Wagner, J.J. Koenig & M. Breugst, ChemCatChem, 2021.
DOI: 10.1002/cctc.202100342

Enzymatic Bromocyclization of α - and γ - Allenols by Chloroperoxidase from Curvularia inaequalis
Naapuri, J. M., Wagner, P. K., Hollmann, F., & Deska, J., ChemistryOpen, 2022.
DOI: 10.1002/open.202100236